Meet Alanna Banks, your life fulfillment BFF


For thirty years, I lived with fear and anxiety. On the outside, it appeared I had it all together, but on the inside, I was afraid, cynical, and lacked confidence.

I would catastrophize, I took things too seriously, and I didn’t trust who I was.

I appeared optimistic and content on the outside, but I wasn’t enjoying my life. I knew there had to be more.

The intervention.

I serendipitously got featured in Chatelaine magazine exposing my anxiety, which prompted a complete stranger to reach out and introduce me to hypnotherapy.

After years of unsuccessful sessions with traditional talk therapists, I was open to anything new to create change.

I had a few sessions and had such a significant breakthrough that my outlook on life changed immediately and my anxiety disappeared.

My mind had been awakened to a whole new perspective.

I felt more confident, had more clarity, and experienced a deeper sense of self-trust.

From there I became hooked on hypnosis and the power of subconscious coaching.

A coach in your back pocket.

A monthly membership where you get to expand your mind and start to shift your way of thinking. Discover who you are and what you want with a group of like-minded people. In this locked IG profile @theexpansionmembership I share techniques to help you shift your perspective, guided hypnosis experiences, empowering beliefs, and quick introspective exercises designed to


My mission is to change the way people think so they can gain clarity about who they are and what they want. I firmly believe that your personal growth and development are the best investments.

The coaching I do today is my way of showing gratitude for the potency of this work in creating authentic, long-lasting and permanent change.

I help women who want to:

Feel confident in all areas of their life and feel alive again.

Trust themselves instead of doubting themselves.

Experience time freedom, financial freedom and emotional freedom.

I am a board-certified hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, NLP coach and certified in the process of TimeLine Therapy™️.

I am here for you and always rooting for you.


Jump into the driver’s seat of your life right now.


I can paint excitement in your life




Come check out my profile and follow @alannabankscoaching

I share a lot of content that will make you think and inspire you to tune in to your own thoughts.

Send me a DM and tell me what you would wish for if I could wave my magic wand and give you anything you wanted!

Some facts about me

I am an Aries, I’ve got that fire energy, baby.

I am an only child.

I owned an online fabric store for eight years and started Canada’s first monthly fabric subscription.

I love to draw, paint, and create.

I am a life-long student of the subconscious mind and how we can get great results.